Public Participation is any process that engages citizen input in government decision making processes. It is fundamental to democracy. Well done, community engagement results in better decisions and transparency in government.
At P2 Solutions we have over 25 years experience designing and implementing public involvement processes that satisfy decision makers and the public.
Since 1992 Wendy Green Lowe, owner of P2 Solutions, has been a member of The International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), the international authority on the practice of authentic public participation, and served on the International Board of Directors from 2004 to 2008. At P2 Solutions we are committed to practicing within IAP2’s defined foundations for effective public participation, in full compliance with the IAP2 Core Values and the IAP2 Code of Ethics.
The IAP2 Public Participation Spectrum:
INFORM – Provide the public with balanced and objective information
CONSULT – Obtain public feedback on analysis, alternatives, and / or decisions
INVOLVE – Work directly with the public throughout the process to ensure concerns are understood and considered
COLLABORATE – Partner with the public in each aspect of the decision including alternatives and solutions
EMPOWER – Place final decision making in the hands of the public
We work with sponsoring organizations to determine the most appropriate level of public engagement using the IAP2 Spectrum.
Some of our valued public participation clients: